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All Inclusive Packages

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Direct Mail & Print, Inc. provides all inclusive direct mail marketing services to help your business get the word out to potential customers with very little intrusion to the customer’s lives. A simple postcard or letter in the mailboxes of a targeted group of people serves as a welcome mat for these customers to check out your business and the products and services you provide.

Getting Your Mailings Right

Potential customers may only look at a piece of direct marketing for a few seconds, so you need to make an impact fast. This means getting the design just right, and sending it out to the people who need to see it the most.

At Direct Mail & Print, Inc. we’ll help you get your design just the way you want it, and discuss the different benefits of mailing letters, postcards and brochures.

We go beyond loading a printer and pushing a button. We provide folding and stuffing services along with our printing services, so you can place your order and get back to work.

Finding the Right Customers

When the time comes to mail your direct marketing materials, our mailing lists of more than 14 million businesses, and 140 million consumers are highly sortable so you can target just the right customer from people who have just moved, to new parents, homeowners, certain types of businesses or specific neighborhoods. Our postage license allows us to send out materials at bulk mailing rates, and we pass this savings on to you.

Marketing Your Customers Can Hold On To

Internet marketing is great when a business has already provided a strong following, and a few words typed into a search engine can bring customers to your door. But not everyone uses the Internet, and not everyone remembers what they searched for. Direct mailing can spark an interest. It gives consumers something tangible to hold onto, or stick on their refrigerator or desk until they are ready to experience the product or service you offer.

Try our all inclusive direct mail marketing services to reach new customers!

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