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Direct Mail Services

Direct mail marketing is the most effective way to get into your prospects home or place of business.

Internet marketing is great for people already searching for your products. But how do you increase marketplace awareness and put your product or service in front of people that would use it … but just don’t know it exists? Direct Mail Marketing Services! It’s personal and targeted to your marketplace.

Direct Mail & Print Inc. will customize a direct mailing campaign to include an super targeted mailing list, a mailing type of either a letter in an envelope, postcards – or even naked envelopes, and an affordable delivery method to maximize your ROI.

We can mail Post Cards, Letters, Brochures, Newsletters, Catalogs & Statement and Billing. Available for all of our mailing services is inkjet addressing, folding, inserting and tabbing. Better yet, you’ll save money with our discounted postage, free use of our permits, bar-coding, metering or stamp affixing, hand assembly and delivery to the post office is included, at no additional charge with our direct mail services.

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